Waterfield prioritizes allocating resources to the communities it caters to, whether domestic or abroad. Our team members strive to add value to these communities because they realize a stronger community builds a stronger business.

Our primary objective is to maximize the positive impact per dollar donated through our foundations. If you are in a community Waterfield serves, and you wish to request a donation, please email your request to: charitablegiving@waterfield.com

Here is a list of the charities Waterfield currently serves:

  • Navy Seal Foundation
  • Culver Military Academy
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • The Canterbury School
  • Columbia University
  • SMU
  • USC
  • Harvard University
  • California Parks
  • Red Cross
  • The Air Force Association
  • The American Medicare Association
  • Morehouse College
  • The Robin Hood Foundation
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • St. Margaret’s Episcopal School
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • The Texas Veterans Association
  • The Teamsters
  • The National Association of Female Executives
  • The National Wildlife Federation
  • The Pacific Council on International Affairs
  • The American Dental Association
  • The American Nurses Association
  • The Heritage Foundation
  • The International Firefighters Association
  • United Way
  • The Experiment In International Living
  • PlayPumps Africa
  • The Central Park Zoo
  • The San Diego Wild Animal Park
  • The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo
  • High Hopes Head Injury Program
  • Harry & Grace Steele Children’s Center
  • Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation
  • National Charity League